What A Time To Be Alive

Walthamstow School For Girls

A selection of work from Walthamstow School for Girls responding to the experience of being alive now.

Starting with a theme of ‘Work and Play’ students were led through a series of experimental workshops and encouraged to ‘play’ with materials and subject matter to create artworks which evoke life, both real and imaginary. Seen on display are a range of ways that students have responded to this experience.

Alannah Leddy
Aminata Kabba-Kebbeh
Gwen Martin
Maegan Gawigawen
Sadie Allaway
May McNicol-William
Martha Morgan
Edith Hodgson
Adari Obaid
Ella Colman

If you’re a London-based artist and would like to exhibit your work, apply now


Exhibition Dates:
April 2 - April 29